Backing Up Tax Returns

In Return Manager, you can back up tax returns to a specified location. If you choose to back up returns to a location that already contains a backup file, the Backup utility appends the data in one file. After backup, you can delete returns. You can also recall tax returns from the backup file using the Restore utility.

Note: Keep in mind the system automatically saves up to four copies of a return: the current version, two previous versions, and the first saved version. You can recall these versions using the Recover utility.

To back up tax returns, do the following:

  1. Select returns in the Return Manager grid.
  2. Click Utilities > Maintenance > Backup on the Menu bar at the top.
  3. Browse to the location for the backup file.
  4. Tip: Make note of the location. You must browse to the location if you want to restore the backup.

  5. Select Delete tax return after backup to delete the return after a successful backup (Optional).
  6. Select Password protect my backup file to secure your backup file and then enter and confirm a password (Optional).
  7. Click Next to continue the process.
  8. If a backup file exists:
    • Append to an existing backup. If you select a location with a previous backup file, click Append to include the data from the selected returns in the existing backup. If the existing backup file is password protected, you must enter the password. You can also click Cancel to return to the previous window and select another location.
  9. The return history and last activity is updated with the Backed up activity. The status of each processed return displays in the report. If a backup is unsuccessful, the Exception displays in the Status column and a brief explanation displays in the Comments column.

    Note: Exceptions can be Return is in-use, Return is locked, Return has been deleted, or Rights to view return only.

  10. Do any of the following, if needed:
  11. Component Description
    Export Click Export to save the report information to an XLS file.

See Stopping a Backup in Progress for information about what happens if you stop a backup.